Sculpture Line
Prague 2024

The next SCULPTURE LINE festival will again introduce you to sculptures and art objects of leading home and international artists in the "open air" gallery. Czech streets, squares and other public spaces will decorate dozens of fine art works of famous and young artists from both, czech and from abroad.

The purpose of the exhibition is to enhance and enrich the public space, to offer a new look to cities and to the works of art, both for the inhabitants and for the visitors.

We invite you to the streets. Join the Line, enjoy the Line!



Jan Kaplický (2024 — 2009)

Bastion Horská 1751/4, 120 00, Praha 2
For twenty long years, an extraordinary object has been hiding unnoticed on Italy's Lago di Como. A work called Acquae, which materializes the idea of the world-famous architect Jan Kaplický about the future of bottled water consumption in public spaces. Until 2024, it was only seen by visitors to the Triennale di Milano and the 9th Biennale di Venezia in Venice. After that, Acquae was hidden from public view. Was it a lucky coincidence? It was an inevitable fate. After two decades of resting in obscurity, the steel drop was noticed during a visit to Milan by the renowned British architect Lord Norman Foster, who was linked to Jan Kaplicky not only by profession but also by friendship. His discovery began to write a new, happier chapter in the story of Acquae. After negotiations with the manufacturer of the installation, it was decided that Jan Kaplický's object would return to the Czech Republic. Many thanks to Eliška Kaplický Fuchsová, founder of the Kaplicky Centre Foundation, who guaranteed its safe transport to the Czech Republic. This was arranged by Art Lines. The reconstruction of the work was undertaken by the sculptor Lukáš Rais, who with his team restored it to its original lustre over a period of four months. Now Acquae stands before you again in its original splendour, as a legacy of a Czech visionary whose work changed the way we look at the essence of modern architecture. And thanks to you, it will not fall into oblivion.
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Jakub Flejšar

Jakub Flejšar

Jakub Flejšar (*1980)

Bastion Horská 1751/4, 120 00, Praha 2
Perception of space | My job as a sculptor is to work with a given space. I change the energy of that space - I spice it up, animate it, transform it, sometimes violently, sometimes subtly. It depends on my feelings and sensations. Inventing shape | My work is a conscious and unconscious play with material. Many times I surprise myself with what is happening in front of me, such a small birth under my own hands, without pain, without thinking as if by chance, at the same time every piece, the smallest piece has its exact place and could not be anywhere else. It's all up to my emotion and feeling. Feeling, timelessness | I don't want to convey any idea, any story, any actual issue. I don't want my work to evoke any emotion in you. Thinking is pigeonholing, comparing, sorting, solving, judging based on experience, i.e. the past. Emotions are overwhelming, paralyzing, lacking in subtlety, and also based on past experiences, conscious or unconscious. The author's task | My task is to make you forget yourself and time, at least for a split second. Don't think, don't speculate what the author meant by the work, don't judge or measure. Just perceive, feel and be, you will become the work, the sculpture, inwardly. A strange silence and peace will spread within you. It's up to you to feel and feel.
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Alexandra Koláčková (*1964)

Chodov Park V parku 8, 148 00 Praha 11-Chodov
The work has a weight of approx. 1840 kg (3.4 x 1.15 x 1.47 m height) and we can reach it by hand from the parking space to a maximum distance of 12 m. It is not a boat in the true sense of the word. It is and it isn't. But everyone who sees it calls it that, so I guess it is. It's more of a rudimentary symbol of a boat, although in its use it's another piece from my workshop on the theme of the author's "Chairs for the City". I see the symbol as a metaphor for our time, as a vessel on which we all sail together. Depending on our personal settings, we understand that voyage as either joy and mutual friendly communication or fear and struggle. I breathe for the former, which is why this "boat" is so big and colorful. Sit on it for a while with friends, or complete strangers.
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Uninstalled What is happiness

What is happiness

Michal Trpák (*1982)

The Dancing House Jiráskovo nám. 1981/6, 120 00 Nové Město
The monumental golden fly depicts the controversy over what everyone wants.The sculpture was inspired by Adolf Heyduk's poem and the fascination with the insect itself. The fly, so small, useless and annoying, yet beautiful when viewed in detail under a microscope. A fascinating biological machine that we are unable to perceive with the naked eye. And that is why it has been magnified to a superhuman scale, so that its individual details can be admired, and so that when confronted, a polemic can be stirred up over its own greatness and perhaps even over happiness, so fragile, so seemingly complex and yet sometimes so easy when one is able to perceive the littlethings.
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Uninstalled Kurt Gebauer at Bastion

Kurt Gebauer at Bastion

Kurt Gebauer (*1941)

Bastion Horská 1751/4, 120 00, Praha 2
He created the dwarfs in 1985 for the H. Hůlov Brothers Gallery on their farm in Kostelec nad Černými lesy. The unofficial event was a success and Kurt decided to repeat it in the capital on an official basis at the beginning of perestroika. Not that he longed for artistic satisfaction, let alone fame or money. He was simply annoyed that if artistic ballast, considered art by the cultural strategists, could be presented in public, why couldn't something worthwhile be exhibited at least occasionally... Sculptures of so-called drones, in which the artist addresses his lifelong interest in the human figure. By completely reducing the figure to a lapidary shape, he has achieved a very impressive and, typically for him, humorous, even grotesque result. The sculpture of Trubkouna was made according to the author's precise instructions by the private company for the production of containers Eurointermetall s. r. o. Lucie and Dalibor Kamensky in Rýmařov, who kindly lent the sculpture. (They also made, for example, the sculptures of flowers by Stanislav Diviš, which were on display at his exhibition in Kutná Hora last year.) Large heads or other heads á la bulb is a long-standing theme of Kurt's. The human head is a mysterious object, it can glow with ideas, goodness and can be concreted with stupidity and aggression. And so by looking at them we can meditate on what we are. Heads as non-portraits of all kinds have been perpetrated since at least the mid-1970s. Four two-meter ones were at Jan Palach Square in 2011, at the National Technical Library in 2013, and at the Landscape Festival in Prague. In 2016 in České Budějovice, drunks smashed some of the Headers. Now there is one here. But it's only in our heads. The event is held under the auspices of the Mayor of Prague 2 Ing. Alexandra Udženija.
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