Jaroslav Róna (*1957)
The sculpture of Rhinoceros was created from a simple idea - to use the protective armor of one species of African rhino, consisting of massive leathery and horned plates to create a fantastic figure of a rhino knight - a colossus that will combine human and animal elements. At the same time, the sculpture symbolically points to the need for world protection of a beautiful creature from the African wilderness, which, thanks to human stupidity, superstition and greed, is gradually disappearing from the earth's surface. It is common knowledge that rhinos have been systematically hunted over the last century for their horn, which is sought after by the superstition - that the powder from it cures male impotence. The forgotten theme of the knight in armor is one of the distinctive sculptural themes that the author returns to the scene of contemporary sculpture after a long time, of course in a transformed form, which proves that no theme is ever doomed to permanent oblivion.
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