Sculpture Line
Prague 2019

1.1. — 31.12.2019

The next SCULPTURE LINE festival will again introduce you to sculptures and art objects of leading home and international artists in the "open air" gallery. 

The purpose of the exhibition is to enhance and enrich the public space, to offer a new look to cities and to the works of art, both for the inhabitants and for the visitors.

We invite you to the streets. Join the Line, enjoy the Line!



Jan Dostál (*1992)

Nám. Republiky náměstí Republiky, Praha
You must live with the Creature Sculptures can be made in different ways, but making a big statue is a story in itself. Just one year after graduating from Gabriel's sculpture studio at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno, Jan Dostál, a very young sculptor, has embarked on his 12-meter high work, his biggest so far. The motive is the Creature, a figure and non-figure at the same time, assembled and welded from pieces of sharp iron which is the material the sculptor lives with and loves. A model for the Creature has its prototype if we can call the prototype a statue which is two and a half meters tall. According to his own words, Jan is assembling his huge, really huuuuuuuge Creature starting from its feet. The anthropomorphic shape on the border of an abstract expression is distinguished by Dostál’s handwriting, full of sharp strokes and cutting angles. It has its visual background in a contemporary sci-fi world as well as in a tattoo subculture or it is a reflection of late sculptural modernism. The Creature is magnificent and comes to light so that Jan Dostál can reveal his strange, iron, sharp universe, his aesthetics which he lives with and which lives in him as Alien who you certainly cannot get rid of. However, it is also magnificent to weld a splendid sculpture, piece after piece, without an accompanying drawing, according to one’s own imagination, using a sculpture-like crane of one’s own design and production. In this case, art has a chance to enchant and surprise and this is not just by the size of the Creature. Welcome to another world.
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Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

Kryštof Hošek (*1984)

Jungmann Square Jungmannovo nám. 110 00 Praha 1
This sculptural group is a symbolic reference to the origins of mankind, when man, using his conscious ability and reason, separated himself from the animal kingdom. At the same time, this gift of reason became a fatal flaw in his make up; leading, as it has, to all the -isms, ideologies and religions that homo-sapiens made for himself. In order to create all the rules that enable each individual to have a better life within his or her community, man became a victim of his own desires, his ego and his lust for power.  Nowadays, even the concept of Truth has become relativised; the individual often cannot sort out the truth from lies. Unknowingly, the individual simply a walking tool. In other words, caught within the essence of Heidegger's ''Gestell'', living in a system that has taken his identity.  
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Reader in an armchair

Reader in an armchair

Jaroslav Róna (*1957)

nám. Franze Kafky Nám. Franze Kafky 18/6, 110 00 Staré Město
The sculpture was created as the third variant of the statue of the Reader, originally intended to be installed in front of a public library building. Paradoxically, however, already at a time when the order was long gone and no library showed interest in it. Nevertheless, I then gradually became very interested in the issue of the statue of a man immersed in the world unfolding in the book. Through the reader's statue I wanted to portray both the reader and the imaginative world of the book. I used an armchair for this purpose. The armchair is a soft and soothing wall that protects us from the pragmatic world around us allowing us to escape into the worlds of imagination and fantasy. It is a dreamy armchair, and the reader is intentionally an anonymous and symbolic figure, easily interchangeable with any reader. At the same time, the armchair adds monumentality to the statue reinforcing the significance and importance of this fragile theme. Last but not least, it is also necessary to pay tribute to the world of paper book at a time when it is threatened (and so are we!) by the aggressive world of information technology and castrated e - books.
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King Kong Balls

King Kong Balls

Denis Defrancesco (*1954)

Milos Forman Square Milos Forman Square
... King Kong’s Balls, the Gaze of a King, the Royal Pause for the gallery... Between Conceit and indifference, a certain idea of freedom cast in bronze... Sculpt and let the sculpture speak for itself...  ... Those who will see nothing but its attributes will have seen nothing, understood nothing... A grand show to bug the ‘right-minded’... to deceive fools... A half-smile... ... The coarse illusion of an impudent Monkey... The taunt of Kong to set the art-fair “cheetahs’” tongues wagging, for all the masturbatory bonobos to cop complexes.... His balls out in the open like coconuts thrown in the faces of conformism. ... The calm resistance of an untamed Monkey... His gaze is elsewhere... Far from the human menagerie, from this narrow-minded world... Far from this brash theatre, this crass comedy...   ... The Kong has a dream... A paradise lost... With no cage and no master... Freedom at the foot of My Tree ... A laugh that we cannot hear... His balls like gongs to summon the Great Awakening...  
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