Sculpture Line
Prague 2016

1.6. — 30.9.2016

1. 6. - 30. 9. 2016

The open-air exhibition project Sculpture Line is a unique opportunity to present sculptures and art objects to both citizens and visitors of the Czech capital in an attractive setting. Prague itself provides the best exhibition place, be it frequented areas or less-expected locations, both in the centre and outskirts of the metropolis. Works of art by leading local & international artists interact directly with the city and invite you for a walk of discovery. The aim of the festival is to enrich the public space, offer a new view of the architectural context and, hopefully, become a new tradition.

We invite you to the streets where art awaits you. Join the Line, enjoy the Line!



Riccardo Cordero (*1942)

Baarův park BB Centrum, Praha 4
The sculpture, with the explanatory title of E. T., belongs to a recent series of works by Riccardo Cordero where the desire to trace the space where they’re placed as a physical “presence” and not just as a representative one. A nucleus composed of circular elements, cut and incomplete, born from four vertical elements that looks like they are keeping it down, in place, as to prevent its explosion. The apparent instability of the whole creates complex and unexpected visual paths. The eye of the observer is led to follow the curved lines and the short segments unconsciously trying to unravel this bundle of signs where the relation between filled and empty spaces creates an evocative formal complexity. The artist, not by chance, insists on the concepts of the “sculpture as a presence”, that is the activation of simultaneous perceptions that involves the artworks and their surrounding without having one prevailing over the other.
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Angels of the Seas

Angels of the Seas

Michal Trpák (*1982)

New Town Hall Karlovo nám. 1/23, Praha 2
Manta rays – noble majestic underwater creatures whose movement paradoxically resembles the flight of birds. Elegant dancers moving in the depths of indomitable oceans. Graceful curves intersecting one of the truly last wildernesses of the world. The world with which we are so interconnected and yet it is so remote from us and so unknown. And perhaps because of all these contrasts, fascinated by the robustness and fragility at the same time, I decided to expose this creature in a completely different environment, different perspective, in a completely different context. When walking beneath the angel wings, you can dream, unleash your imagination and get carried away to the ocean bottom or somewhere further away...
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Michal Gabriel (*1960)

National Theatre´s Piazzetta Národní 2, Praha 1
“The horses on the piazzetta of the National Theatre belong to the project of four horses, one of which is bearing a rider. I created this group in several variants: in red laminate which stands out in the landscape due to unrealistic colour, in another case I used a structure made from peanut shells. However, the sculptures could not be exhibited in the exterior, so there was no choice but to start recasting them gradually in bronze. The first two horses of this series are now situated in front of the New Stage building as a part of the Sculpture Line 2016 project. This location turned out to be not only visually appealing but also very symbolic. It is impossible to omit the connection with the sculptures decorating the roof of the National Theatre; moreover, the horses are located at the junction between the New Stage and the Old Stage, which corresponds with their nature. They are conceived as a traditional sculpture but their impression bears a considerable measure of update of this topic.”
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Legs from water

Legs from water

Kurt Gebauer (*1941)

Vojanovy sady U Lužického semináře 43/17, Praha 1
"It is probably known that female swimmers and other floating ladies are my life’s theme. Legs from water are something a bit different. It is a part of handstand visible above the water level and this is usually the most joyous expression of children and girls in water. Well, I also sometimes give it a try. This tomfoolery makes happy even those who watch it; and how to discover the joy also in places where girls usually do not bathe, or where they sometimes bathe but it’s just too cold for bathing at the moment? A sculpture can replace all sorts of people – dead poets, saints but also criminals. So why legs from water should not have a monument if they represent the symbol of the most important thing why we are here - the joy of life?"
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Corpus Angelicus

Corpus Angelicus

Stefan Milkov (*1955)

Dolní Břežany Náměstí na Sádkách, Dolní Břežany
“I created the sculpture called “Corpus Angelicus“ as a part of an exhibition of the same name which I had at Prague Castle in 1997. An angel is a constant theme for me, this mysterious being is actually present in all religions. It is a sort of a positive, ecumenical symbol and I am enticed to shape it and give it various forms and constantly retransform it. An angel has probably never been seen before but we may believe that it exists in some form and this always stirs my imagination. That is why “Corpus Angelicus“, a sculpture made of robust cast steel, in contrast to the notion of a totally unknown and elusive ethereal being. A sort of shell of the Angel, it can be understood like this. But I leave it to the viewer. I am glad that the object be installed in Břežany near the monastery and I hope that it will give joy to the citizens and maybe also a reason to pause and think.”
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Exercising figure

Exercising figure

Jakub Flejšar (*1980)

Bobsled run Prague Prosecká 906/34b, Praha 9
“Interconnection of sport and art is current nowadays. In my work and life, first as the Czech snowboarding national team member and now as the coach of the Olympic champion and, at the same time, first as a student of sculpture art and now as a sculptor, this topic is always current. Art and sport are some of the basic elements forming the human personality. Sport teaches discipline and healthy lifestyle, art forms your opinions and feelings. Art and sport are considered marginal issues by our politicians, unworthy of being largely noticed. This testifies to what shaped them and what they probably are like. It is necessary to teach our kids something else than what the people who are to shape us were taught. Do exercises and be interested in artistic initiatives, take your children with you, please...”
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Štěpán Čapek (*1982)

Bubenská Bubenská 1477/1, Praha 7
The work belongs among the set of sculptures that relate to Čapek’s favourite topic – hair and hairstyle. The author traces the individual arrangements of hair changing into hairstyle and ultimately into an ornament. The ornament phenomenon, together with the spatial nature phenomenon, has become the basic principle for creating these “hairy“ sculptures. Although inspiration proceeds from the very ornament, Čapek is trying to hold it back in the work itself, depriving it of decorativeness. The crucial moment of the work is elimination of the face and the pure interest in the hairstyle and its aesthetics.Thanks to the standing plaits, the sculpture can remind an animal, which can lighten the perception of the sculpture as hairstyle only.
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Riccardo Cordero (*1942)

U Pomníku - Michle U Pomníku, Praha 4
The sculpture, with the explanatory title of E. T., belongs to a recent series of works by Riccardo Cordero where the desire to trace the space where they’re placed as a physical “presence” and not just as a representative one. A nucleus composed of circular elements, cut and incomplete, born from four vertical elements that looks like they are keeping it down, in place, as to prevent its explosion. The apparent instability of the whole creates complex and unexpected visual paths. The eye of the observer is led to follow the curved lines and the short segments unconsciously trying to unravel this bundle of signs where the relation between filled and empty spaces creates an evocative formal complexity. The artist, not by chance, insists on the concepts of the “sculpture as a presence”, that is the activation of simultaneous perceptions that involves the artworks and their surrounding without having one prevailing over the other.
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