Sculpture Line
Olomouc 2024

Olomouc - historická metropole Moravy. Další ročník sochařského festivalu SCULPTURE LINE Vám představí sochy a výtvarné objekty předních domácích i mezinárodních tvůrců „pod širým nebem“, přímo v ulicích města.

Záměrem expozice je ozvláštnit a obohatit veřejný prostor, nabídnout nový pohled na Olomouc i na samotná umělecká díla, a to jak obyvatelům, tak i návštěvníkům města.

Zveme vás do ulic. Pojďte ven, vydejte se na cestu „sochařskou linkou“ a užijte si tuto unikátní výstavu nejen v Olomouci, ale i v dalších městech České republiky.



Antonín Kašpar (*1954)

Kostel sv. Mořice Kostel sv. Mořice
This sculpture is the author's reminder of the thousand-year tradition of Christian culture in Europe and in our country. The author uses his statue to remind us of what is so much needed today - the basic rules of interpersonal relations and decent behaviour of man towards man. All this is contained in the Ten Commandments. The throne depicts the place that each of us has within us. A kind of imaginary pedestal on which we can place our ideas, desires, wishes, secret thoughts or even something we would like to say out loud or shout to the world, but we do not know how. Why a cross? The artist often uses this sign in his sculpture. As he says himself, in his conception it is not only a religious symbol, but he also understands it as a kind of basic point, which was created by intersecting two lines, as a representation of the expressions Ying and Yang, I - You, She - He, She - It, etc. This sculpture was created in 2016, and two years later the artist placed three relief inscriptions on it, three questioning sentences. This further pushed the possibilities of context and interpretation of the symbolism of this work. The sculptor leaves the understanding of these contexts to the perception and individuality of each of us.
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Angels of the Seas

Angels of the Seas

Michal Trpák (*1982)

Opletalova steet Opletalova 1, Olomouc
Manta rays – noble majestic underwater creatures whose movement paradoxically resembles the flight of birds. Elegant dancers moving in the depths of indomitable oceans. Graceful curves intersecting one of the truly last wildernesses of the world. The world with which we are so interconnected and yet it is so remote from us and so unknown. And perhaps because of all these contrasts, fascinated by the robustness and fragility at the same time, I decided to expose this creature in a completely different environment, different perspective, in a completely different context. When walking beneath the angel wings, you can dream, unleash your imagination and get carried away to the ocean bottom or somewhere further away...
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Johannes Pfeiffer

Bezručovy sady Bezručovy sady
Fluorescent, delicate, light: the five boats, designed by the visual artist Johannes Pfeiffer, have found their destination on the banks of the Vltava River where it runs towards the city centre of Prague. The old wall of the dock they are fixed on, thus becomes a boathouse for these little boats, which seem to be waiting for anybody who is in need of them. The title of the work itself, Lifeboats, suggests rescue vessels, small sloops that are used for rescuing people. But approaching them one makes a bitter discovery: the ships are leaking. The material they are made of is a metal net and therefore not impenetrable. The boats which at closer look seem more like fragile leaves than solid vessels can´t transport anybody, can´t rescue anybody as water comes in. This work of art is a symbol of the difficult period which has taken humankind unprepared, in which no lifeboat seems safe enough to rescue all. But although the installation radiates uncertainty, the artist, conveys the awareness that there is still hope. And then the little boats change dimensions for the third time and become burning torches. Thanks to their fluorescent colour which at night makes them visible also from far away they change into beacons of hope, which give comfort by signalising the existence of a new accessible way.   Giulia Cordò "The artwork Lifeboats is installed with financial support of the Czech-German Fund for the Future."
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