Permanent artwork



Working with metal, Vladimír Škoda uses a variety of processes and techniques and introduces multiple degrees of interactivity through magnetism and polarity. During his career, he held a long-time position of Professor at École nationale Supérieure des beaux-arts in Le Havre and Marseille, and later also at École nationale des Arts Décoratifs in Strassbourg. Vladimír Škoda is represented by the galleries Cermak Eisenkraft, Prague; Jaroslav Krbůšek, Prague; Catherine Issert, Saint Paul; Mathieu, Lyon; Wittenbrink, Munich; Hoffmann, Friedberg. His work is included for example in the collections at Centre Pompidou and Musée d’Art Moderne in Paris, National Gallery in Prague, Central-Bohemian Gallery in Kutná Hora (GASK) or Gemäldegalerie Neue Meister in Dresden, as well as in many public and private collections in France, Belgium, Germany and the Czech Republic.

Jan Dostál


Jan Dostál’s “handwriting“ had been informed by various materials he works with (clay, wood, glass and resin) until he came across steel in which he definitely found himself as an author. This material allows him to work from a small scale up to monumental dimensions. Dostál’s works are made up of small geometric elements (variables) from which he gradually creates his multi-element sculptures that are thematically based on the animal sphere, where the author gradually reduces reality to geometric shapes, or moves at a purely abstract level. The resulting works are not closed on the surface, the author leaves them deliberately open. The openness of the statues enables the viewer to see the interior of the statues.


Jan Dostál Sculpture


Youtube page of Jan Dostál Facebook page of Jan Dostál Sculpture Instagram of Jan Dostál Sculpture


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